Good Sweat #7-12

Neighbourgoods, ampulets' product label, brought back the Good Sweat Project at the end of December 2015. Together with Theseus Chan/WORK, Kenny Leck/BooksActually, Edwin Low/Supermama, Tan Pin Pin, and Carrie Yeo/The Freshmen, we made 6 new handkerchiefs bearing their phrases to inspire, encourage and cheer on.
This time, we also worked with a young Singapore company Kamilinen for their fabric, 100% baltic linen. 

ampulets' art directed the photography and designed a brand new packaging this time. With 12 different designs and phrases since the start of the Good Sweat Project, we also designed a calendar that profiled all 12 phrases.

Limited numbers of Good Sweat #7-12 are still available at the Supermama store at Esplanade Theatres on the Bay, Gallery & Co at The National Gallery Singapore, and BooksActually.

For the launch exhibition/display at Supermama's Singapore Art Museum store in December (thanks to Supermama for the venue support!), we stripped the small room bare, laid out the handkerchiefs as they are, covered the floor with a layer of fine grey gravel, and interrupted the space with a tall vase of bare branches.  The intent was simple: for the visitor to pause and examine his/her every step as they walk towards the handkerchief - its sound and feel underfoot. It is not unlike using a handkerchief - the tactility of the fabric, the comfort of that fold of cloth in your pocket, the knowledge of the words embroidered within.

Read more about the Good Sweat #2-6 (2012) here, and more about Good Sweat #7-12 at The contributors' fees and part of the proceeds from the sales were donated to the Chen Su Lan Methodist Children's Home in the name of Good Sweat.

Project Year: 2015