Be Still for Transmission

100 Friends was a fundraiser for Phunk Studio's Transmission initiative to mentor the next generation of designers. With the brief to do a portrait of someone we admire or are inspired by, we contributed an ink drawing 連風浪也聽從他/Be Still.

This was what we wrote about the drawing for the 100 Friends exhibition:

"There are so many people we respect and admire for their talent, creativity, or sheer goodness. But someone who has inspired or has been a positive in uence – surely, that person must have brought about a substantive change in how we live or want to live. This would have to be Jesus. The Nazarene carpenter born 2000 years ago calmed stormy waters, healed the sick, silenced religious leaders, told o the rich, showed love to the poor, and died to save. A portrait of him is that of anyone he has saved who, as a result, can feel secure even in the midst of life’s storms. It is easy for designers to get distracted by the desire to be someone larger, to be lulled by praise, or to become driven by financial worry or gain. There is a security in knowing that what anchors us is not any of these."

*Be Still is sold.

Project Year: 2011